Thursday, November 17, 2011

Snow! ... and a little dirt

Liv wasn't old enough last year to really play in the snow so the falling white stuff is new to her. She is a tough little kid and loves to play outside in the freezing cold. This video was shot at 7 am on a Sunday morning... 'cause we had nothing better to do. Liv talks more towards the end of the video.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Halloween 2011

Halloween was a lot of fun this year. The weather was beautiful and Mallory and Grandma TT were able to join us for trick-or-treating. Liv had a great time figuring out the whole idea of going house to house and collecting candy. She is a big fan of suckers and would dig through the candy bowls to get the suckers. She is learning her colors and numbers and speaking in sentences. While trick-or-treating, she would get really excited, unwrap her suckers and run down the sidewalk saying, "two suckers!!" She also prefers blue suckers and will get upset when you give her another color, she will get upset and yell "blue sucker!!" Oh no!

We can't seem to catch a picture of this girl where she is not moving.

Mouth full of something sweet...

Ever since her birthday, Liv is obsessed with lit candles. Nearly every day we have to light the candles in the house so she can try and blow them out. Needless to say, she loved all of the pumpkins and lanterns.

Our little ladybug!!