Friday, July 30, 2010

Summer Fun

We headed to Richfield for the Fourth of July festivities. We had a great time with all of the family, especially the cute cousins. Traveling with an infant is certainly a challenge! We could have filled a trailer with all of the newborn "necessities". Maybe next year will be a little easier. Liv was a great little traveler, though. We can't wait for her to enjoy the fun traditions that we look forward to every year.

Liv's cousins: Charlotte, Luke, Hazel and Carson waiting for the fireworks.

This is a pic of the children's fish grab. Notice the throngs of people. There are so many spectators they have to set up bleachers. Back in my day :), they would let the fish loose in the spring ditch and all the kids would get dirt and mud all over their cute outfits.

I love this picture of Carson, Sarah and Mallory. Carson has the best view of the fish grab.

This is Harvey, Mal and Sarah's cute puppie (Great Dane and Bull Mastif mix....I think). He doubles in size every few weeks.

Hanging out at the city park and enjoying punch bags, alligators, fried strawberries, fried ding dongs and naps!

Liv's first swim at the hotel pool in Richfield. She actually loved it (she loves bath time now, too). Her face kind of depicts her funny little personality when trying something new. She acts as if she wants to say, "This is cool and all, but give me a real challenge!" We could barely fit her chubby little body in her new swimsuit.