Liv turned 4 months old on Sunday. Brett and I are constantly amazed by her. We never thought she would have so much personality this young. I guess we expected her to be less interactive and more difficult but she is such a little sweetheart. We took Liv in for her 4 month appointment on Monday. She is 14.44 lbs. (69%) and 22.5 inches long (83%). She had her 4 month immunizations. Even before Liv was born, I knew I would have a difficult time with the nurses sticking my baby with needles. Brett does a great job of consoling her while I am in the corner of the Dr’s office crying.
For Liv:
You are quite chatty and love to carry on incoherent conversations with mom and dad. Right before you close your eyes at bedtime you will usually sing and make sweet little noises until you fall asleep. Sometimes it makes me laugh and I wake you up.
When mom and dad are trying to put you to sleep, you have to be walked around and held facing out. You refuse to lean your head back and will do this tired head bob before finally nodding off.
You are becoming quite ambidextrous. You will grab at anything and then stick whatever it is straight into your mouth.
You are really close to rolling over and sitting up all by yourself. You must have abs of steel because, no matter where you are sitting, you don't like to relax and lay your head back.
If there is one comment about you that we hear the most it is about your big, beautiful, blue eyes.
You love to look in the mirror while we brush your hair. You have a cute patch of long hair on the crown of your head. One of the hairs in 2-3 inches long while all your other hair is super short (about ¼ inch).
You have your dad’s level of patience. Or, should I say, lack of patience.
You need a little time to warm up to new people or people you haven’t seen in a while. You have anxiety and cry when anyone besides mom or dad tries to hold you or even look at you. The pediatrician said you are either socially advanced for your age or a drama queen. I guess we will see.
You love to have books read to you and will sit and listen intently while we read a bunch of books. You also love to look at flash cards and watch your “Baby can read” DVD.
As the day is winding down, we sit out on the back deck because you love to be outside. You have really taken an interest in Jessie, our dog. You will do this cute, little jump and flail your arms when she runs to greet you.
Your favorite toy is your stuffed dog named Bingo.
Dad and I took you jogging in your jogging stroller for the first time on Sunday, the day you turned 4 months old. You loved it! You fell asleep about 5 minutes into our jog. Jessie has a bad hip so we took her home after 2 miles. Since you were still asleep, dad and I jogged another 1 ½ miles.
Mom and dad love that you are a great sleeper at night. You have been sleeping in your crib for over a month and you will usually wake up just once in a twelve hour stretch to nurse and then go right back to sleep.
You are happiest when you first wake up in the morning and we can get you to laugh a lot right before bedtime… usually because you are over-tired from short naps all throughout the day.
You are not a crier .... thank goodness!
You have a great big smile and smile all the time. Brett says it reminds him of his Dad’s smile.