Sunday, February 6, 2011

9 Month Well Child Visit

No shots this visit.... HOORAY! At 9 1/2 months, Liv is 19.84 lbs (62%) and 27.76 inches long (48%). Her "Spencer" head  (as Brett refers to it) is 18.1 inches (92%). We have been anticipating her first birthday so that we can have her in her front-facing car seat. Our pediatrician informed us that they are now advising parents to keep kids in rear-facing car seats until they are two. Liv is not a fan of the rear-facing car seat so this was not good news for her. To counter the bad news, he said she can now eat peanut butter and eggs. So far, Liv is not a fan of eggs but loves peanut butter. I have a bunch of cute videos of Liv and I haven't been able to download any of them. I will figure it out eventually.

I caught our little dust bunny eater in action...chomping on a bit of fuzz. I guess we should dust the window sills more often.

Liv has the cutest cousins!!! She was thrilled to have her cousins over this afternoon. Below is a picture of her with Charlotte... she LOVES Charlotte. We are so excited for Liv to have three cousins so close in age.