Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Six Months

You continue to be the best baby! Your dad and I wonder how we got so lucky. You are happy, easy-going, and so much fun to be around. If only we could guarantee that all our babies would be just like you...

This picture shows your cute, little dimple above the left corner of your mouth

Here are a few of your developments over the last couple of months:

You love to hear yourself talk and you are learning to make funny noises with your little voice. You will squeal or cough repeatedly just to hear the sound it makes. We were grocery shopping and the lady in line behind us was giving me strange looks because you were coughing over and over again. The other morning I was nursing you and you kept wanted to give me raspberries… funny kid!

You will sleep in the funniest positions. You love to sleep on your side just like mom and dad. Unfortunately, diapers aren’t made for side-sleepers so we often have to do a complete wardrobe change at 4am which is not your favorite thing to do.

Some things that make you giggle: Mom and dad’s dancing and singing, peek-a-boo, belly tickles, raspberries on your belly, nibbling on your thighs. Jessie (our dog) can make you laugh almost as much as mom and dad. We are loving this wonderful weather because you really enjoy being outside, taking stroller rides and playing with the dog. You also love little kids. It is so funny how you will marvel and laugh at small children but you still don’t warm up to adults easily.

You are starting to give kisses.... which we do a lot of at the Johnson house. You will give your stuffed animals giant hugs and kisses. You have a little toy mirror and you will bring it up to your mouth and give it kisses.

Daddy can send you into a trance by softly rubbing your chin… it is so funny to watch you zone out. You also love to lie on your side and have your back scratched.

You have really taken an interest in our food and want whatever we are eating so we think you are ready for solids. We tried brown rice cereal for the first time. It was hard to tell if you liked it or hated it since most of it ended up on your face and bib. We have given you some mashed-up peach and you love it so we have been adding a little to your rice cereal and you will take a few big bites. So much for starting with vegetables. You got your hands on a piece of black licorice, played with it for a minute and then stuck it in your mouth. You loved the taste and threw your first tantrum when we took it away from you.

You can spin around on your belly really well. You are attempting to crawl but, at this point, you use your head to propel you rather than your legs. Sometimes we allure you forward with a new toy or interesting object but we try not to work you too hard since we have been told to enjoy the immobility of an infant.

We think we can see your first bottom tooth starting to pop out. We haven't noticed it bothering you yet but we have the teething gel ready to go.

You especially love your daddy!