Sunday, November 14, 2010

Lots of Laughs

I have mentioned before that Liv LOVES our dog, Jessie. If she is in a bad mood all we have to do is bring the dog in or take her outside to see Jessie and it makes her so happy. In this video I am feeding Jessie treats. Something about the jumping and chomping (and mom's silly noises) makes her laugh. I love how at about 38 seconds she has to take a few deep breaths. She must be thinking, "All this entertainment sure is tiring.'' This video is just a few hours after her 6 month well child visit where she also had a bunch of shots. I didn't even cry this time... Liv was so proud of me. At 6 1/2 months old, Liv was 18.08 lbs (78%) and 26.77 inches long (74%). Her noggin is 17.4 inches (87%).